Registration Opens on May 1st, 9:00am
Here are the steps required to register on-line:
This process consists of three steps and lots of scrolling down!
1) Press the Register Now button below for the number of days you want to come to camp!
2) On the next page, scroll down and change the number of tickets to 1 (from 0) and press the Checkout button. This will take you to payment and then return you to the registration form page.
3) The third page is the Form page. Fill it out – carefully! Enter your name and personal information accurately. Choose your class choices from the checkbox list of class numbers - first your first choices and then your second and third choices (there are two lists. Please write-in the friends you want to stay in class with, and feel free to write any notes to the Director. Press the Register Button when complete. Lots of Scrolling Down again!
You should get an email confirming your registration. You will receive confirmation emails once classes are settled. If you have any concerns or questions, call Linda at 330-620-9825.
Here are the steps to register by mail:
This process consists of four steps. You MUST include an email address on your form!
1) Press the Registration Form button below (the large P) to bring up the form you need and print it out.
2) Fill out the form completely and please print clearly.
3) Attach your personal check for the complete amount due, made out to Linda Miller.
4) Mail to Linda at 1589 Limonis Street, NW, Uniontown, OH 44685.
If you have any concerns or questions, call Linda at 330-620-9825.